What On Earth Is Moldable Development
Chances are you have never heard of moldable development. And that is OK. But it is an interesting approach to try to solve the biggest time sink in development, namely understanding the current system. Developers spend over 50% of their time trying to figure out the system - can we make this more efficient? Enter Moldable Development.
What is a NFT?
This is part 2 of my series on the metaverse, NFTs and more. Check out part 1, The Metaverse, Explained, Kind OfPhoto by Clark Tibbs on UnsplashPart 2: NFTs, Intrinsic Value and the New World OrderIt was in early March of 2021 that digital artist, Mike Winkleman, sold an NFT for a 5000 piece collection of his art for a staggering $69 million through the auction house, Christies. It was the first ever purely digital artwork offered through Christies and was a grand entrance into mainstream for NFTs. You can read more about it here but it was a huge amount of money for something that represented a digital file that anyone else could get.So what is this all about?
The Metaverse, explained, kind of
So you may have heard about NFTs in some form or another. You may also have heard of the metaverse (if you haven’t, you will). You may have been scratching your head about what it all means. Having been in the same boat, I decided to spend some time to try to breakdown - mainly as a forcing function to help me understand it, but I figured others may benefit as well.This is a multipart series, where I start with the Metaverse but explore NFTs and the technology that will potentially power the future.
Live Video Broadcast and Mixing in Azure with Teams
In media broadcasting, with a continued focus on moving production to the cloud, the idea of virtual production control rooms are taking root. A production control room is the place were incoming feeds are combined together and the outgoing program is created. Virtualizing this brings several key benefits:
Some Thoughts on Mary Meeker's Internet Trends 2019
Mary Meeker is a venture capitalist whose work focuses primarily on the internet and new technologies. Each year she produces a report about internet trends - both looking back and looking forward. It is always highly anticipated you can check out this year’s here. Below are some of my key takeaways after reading: